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Entrepreneurial Leadership in China

The first great entrepreneurial leader in China was Deng Xiaoping. From 1978 until 1989 he led China through a number of envelope stretching market economy reforms. The China we know today, which is on the brink of becoming the biggest economy in the world, is a direct result of those Deng led reforms. Communism/socialism, as we know it, does not work as a market economy and changes had to be made to the system established by Mao Zedong. Deng studied in France in the 1920s and returned to China prior to the revolution; he was a veteran of the Long March.

Entrepreneurial Leadership in China

Deng began something, which has been continued by a succession of Chinese leaders, to move that populous nation into a world economic super power. Chinese people around the world have been known for their industriousness and economic networking. This nascent energy and motivation of the Chinese people, domestically and abroad, has been channelled by the leaders of a socialist state to allow China to flourish economically, and to avoid what happened in the Soviet Union. Leadership development was vital for China to move forward into the twenty first century. Political systems and management systems that get stuck in genuflecting to the past rarely survive into the future.

Xi Jinping is continuing that strong entrepreneurial leadership today in China. More market reform is on the agenda, along with crack downs on graft and corruption within China. The political situation in China is far from perfect, but it is a lot better than it once was. There is still a great deal of nepotism and bribery for favours at the top levels of government. This type of corruption exists everywhere, but is particularly prominent within authoritarian regimes like communism. Powerful politburo members protect and favour their family members, often creating dynasties of power.

Wherever there is money there will be corruption and entrepreneurial situations demand investment. China will continue to grow and evolve within as a market economy, and the economic demands will mould it in new directions. The world, including China, is in a relatively low growth phase at the moment and only entrepreneurial skill will get us out of this slow growth. New technologies will continue to feed market demand in the consumer realm. New businesses will emerge out of these continuing technological developments. Governments need to foster growth and not hamper it with unnecessary red tape and backward thinking; China is no exception.

Creating A Second Hand Furniture Business In Canton

Canton brings to the table a huge window of opportunity to start a business. One will not be finding any shortage of these with the country booming in popularity over the years. Starting a niche business can be a good way of drawing the interest as well as piquing the attention of your target audience. Second hand furniture business in Canton is considered to be relatively niche and this is the reason why it can be a great startup business to look into.

It should be noted that not everyone has the time and resources to purchase new furniture on a regular basis. Doing so will cost home and business owners a great deal of time and resources in the process which is not practical especially if they are on a tight budget. A good alternative however, can be found with the help of second hand furniture business. Here, customers are given a variety of options to consider towards their next furniture of choice.

There is no shame in buying secondhand furniture and potential owners should never feel this way. The reason behind this is that second hand furniture is oftentimes restored to its original state making them look in very good shape. In fact, most people would not even be aware that furniture comes from a second hand store unless you tell them so. There are also cases where families decide to move out from the country and are unable to bring everything they want to their new destination. During these times a huge number of homeowners decide to start fresh and sell their used furniture to save them from the time and hassle.

Buying used furniture is not the only service a second hand furniture business in Canton should be focusing upon. You can also consider setting up and integrating furniture restoration or perhaps reupholstering furniture services into the fray. Furniture restoration revolves around restoring or preserving furniture against further deterioration. This type of service would work great particularly with antique furniture which is handy to acquire. The process of restoration can be as simple as light cleaning to remove disfiguring dirt or grime on these types of furniture.

On the other hand, furniture reupholstering often involves complete rebuilding or replacement with your furniture. In such cases, owners can decide to breathe new life to their old furniture by adding a few personal touches making them look revitalized once again. Customers can also decide to bring the piece back to close to its original condition including structural and finish repairs. Whichever option they choose, this process is considered to be much cheaper when compared to replacing your old furniture and buying a new set. As a result, home and office owners in a sense, gets a new set of furniture without spending an entire fortune as a result.

It is good to hear that customers today are given a plethora of options with regards to furniture replacement. They can decide to purchase a new set or perhaps get one at a much lesser price with the help of a second hand furniture business. Furniture never gets out of style and is used on a regular day to day basis. This reason is why starting a second hand furniture business in Canton can be a very promising endeavor.

Cantonese People Around the World

Cantonese people can be found in all the major Western cities around the world. New York, London, San Francisco and Sydney are all home to large populations of southern Chinese people. The Cantonese were early pioneers in the great gold rushes in the US and Australia during the nineteenth century. The city of Guangzhou, formerly known as Canton, is the capital of the province of Guangdong; and is the third largest city in China. This large trading port on the Pearl River is an important birthplace of the ancient maritime Silk Road, connecting China to the Middle East.

Cantonese People Around the World

It is this fact that has played a big part in the spread of Cantonese people around the globe. Ships from all over the world docking at Canton/Guangzhou bringing trade in and taking trade out of China. Being one of the great trading centres, it is a portal for the distribution of goods and people. Chinese people are well-known for their hard working characteristics and commitment to family. These family networks have spread all over the globe, establishing links in all the major cities in every country. Wherever there has been money to be made from trade, gold mining and all the associated infrastructure that goes with these material opportunities the Chinese have flourished.

Chinese food, and in particular Cantonese cuisine, has been another major export to the West. Cities like London, Paris, New York, San Francisco, Melbourne all have Chinese restaurants, which have been plying their trade for many decades. Cantonese restaurants were, in some towns and cities, the very first restaurants to be established in these places. Chinese cooks and waiters are now famous as archetypal, or stereotypical, characters in books and movies. Think of the Pink Panther films with Peter Sellers and his Chinese man servant sparring partner. The Cantonese are a big part of the whole hospitality movement, helping to found it as a populous and successful industry. Family restaurants have established Cantonese dynasties in these New World cities.

Cantonese people around the world have been involved in many other types of business, with new migrants happy to work in the adult industry. Sex is another form of hospitality, of course, and the commercial sex industry feeds another of our more basic appetites. Cantonese migrants, who were often single men, were serviced by Cantonese prostitutes run by Cantonese brothel owners. The tight Chinese network, like many other racial networks, kept their expenditure in-house wherever possible. Ghettoes were formed, which became Chinatowns, as we know them today, places full of fine restaurants and even the odd brothel or two.


Guangzhou Gambling Crackdown Nets 6730 Suspects

Cracking down on illegal gambling in China must be like trying to hold the world’s oceans in your two hands; pretty much impossible. The Chinese love to gamble, as I have observed first-hand at many casinos around the place. I have always considered the Chinese to be a culturally pragmatic race; and that if any universal religion were to be identified it would involve the worshipping of money. Which makes them very much like the rest of us here in the West. Of course, these are all generalisations and there are exceptions to every rule.

Guangzhou Gambling Crackdown Nets 6730 Suspects

The fact that a big crackdown on illegal gambling in Guangzhou has netted some 6730 suspects from a two-month long undercover operation by the local police force, speaks as much about the large population of Chinese cities and provinces as it does about their gambling habits. Still, there is no denying that many Chinese people like to have a flutter, to spin the wheel, to throw the dice and bet on the outcome. Most gambling games and games of chance originated in China hundreds of years ago. Games like Mah Jong, Chess and Checkers and card games all had their origin in China.

In fact, these recreational and gambling games were originally used to divine the future. Yes, like tarot cards and the I-Ching today, all of these games were about predicting the future and someone’s fortune. At some time in the past their main purpose evolved from fortune telling to recreational enjoyment; with the added colour of a bet or two or three. The gambling side of these games retains their focus on fortune and chance; which is what life sometimes seems to be about. Luck is a very Chinese concept in itself. May you have good luck in life.

Horse racing betting is a beloved past time of the Chinese, and the racetracks in Hong Kong and other places are famous in the racing realm. To own a racehorse is a high status thing in China, especially. Asian social media is heavily populated with the goings on of famous jockeys, owners and their celebrity friends. Gambling seems to be an opportunity for both rich and poor to spin the wheel of fortune. The Chinese government really just wants its slice of the action, its cut, and will continue to crackdown on illegal gambling wherever it sees these rivers of gold passing them by without their share or taxation.

Ten Things To Do In Canton Province

A visit to a new location is always exciting. Seeing new vista and tourist attractions can be somewhat of an exhilarating experience and the same can also be said when trying out their specialty foods and other related delicacies. If you are heading over the Canton province for a visit, here are ten things you should not miss which can be found in Chinese travel groups today.

  1. The Pedestrian Street of Shangxiajiu

Considered to be as one of the busiest commercial pedestrian streets in China, the pedestrial street of Shangxiajiu in Liwan District, Guangzhou is 1,218-meter-long street is lined with more than 300 shops. Here, tourists will find a variety of restaurants and food stores having a combination of traditional and modern food as well as Chinese and foreign food.

  1. The Ancestral Hall of the Chen Clan

Famous for its ornate decoration which is presented inside and outside the halls, the Chen clan ancestral hall is home to the Guangdong Folk Art. Tourists will be able to find trove of Chinese folk arts including large collections of wood carving, stone carving, brick carving, pottery, plaster and iron engraving are seen on the walls, beams, columns, ridges  that are available for viewing

  1. The Pearl River

The Pearl River stands out during the evening when the lighting starts providing a breathtaking night view of the city for good enjoyment. Furthermore, the blaze of neon lights will reflect on the river which makes it great for evening boat tour or perhaps a cruise ride.

  1. Yuexiu Park

Known as the largest park in the city, its beautiful scenery and its large number of historical relics is what makes this park famous for. This includes the Five-Ram Sculpture, Zhenhai Tower, the site of the Ming Dynasty City Wall, as well as the Square Cannon Site.

  1. Sacred Heart Cathedral

The Sacred Heart Cathedral provides tourists rich culture and history with it being one of the oldest churches in Guangzhou and the largest of its kind in Southern China. You will find the cathedral on the north bank of the Pearl River.

  1. Nanyue King’s Tomb Museum

The Western Han Nanyue King’s Tomb Museum is highly recognized for its elegant Han Dynasty architecture while at the same time showcases Guangzhou’s near 2,000-year of rich history. Visitors will find that the tomb is made up of 750 huge stones with colorful murals and is hidden 20 meters (65.6 feet) underground.

  1. Shamian Island

Dotted with various historical buildings, the Shamian Island is a sandbank island in Liwan District, Guangzhou. Tourists often go to this place to experience its European-style architecture.

  1. Bright Filial Piety Temple

Considered to be the oldest and largest Buddhist temple in the Lingnan Area, the Bright Filial Piety Temple stands tall at Guangxiao Lu. Many famous Buddhist monks came here to preach religious doctrines, bringing glory to this temple making it hold a special place in Buddhist history

  1. Qingping Market

Tourists will be able to find a wide variety of Agricultural Complementary Products, Chinese Herbal Medicines as well as Aquatic Products making them a great place to visit for souvenirs.

  1. Guangzhou Ocean World

Guangzhou Ocean World is home to more than 200 kinds of fish and many other rare ocean creatures which are showcased in a high-tech exhibition hall for sightseeing, entertainment, research and education purposes.

Environmental Problems in Guangdong

Environment problems persist on regular day to day basis to a number of countries making them a global issue that should be not be taken for granted. China has many problems with pollution and Guangdong is no different. Let us look at the environmental problems in Guangdong a huge number of people are facing.

People often associate air pollution problems in China, mostly notably Guangdong. Its growing pollution problems has been attributed to manufacturing industries as well as Beijing’s 5 million-plus cars which lead to the city’s crippling air pollution. The coal-burning electrical plants have also been one of the factors blamed by most experts which lead to China’s present situation. As a result, the country now burns 47 percent of the world’s coal which is about equal to the amount used by all other countries of the world joined together. Furthermore, a vast network of coal-burning power plants is what surrounds Beijing today.

It should be noted that air pollution is not the only prevalent environmental problem in Guangdong. In a southern Guangdong province at Shangba, the city has a river that flows through town changes from white to a startling shade of orange and this is because of the varying types of industrial effluent that affects the water. The likes of cadmium and zinc are included in the list and many of the rivers have been contaminated with such.

It is indeed a cause for concern especially since these elements are known to cause cancer. Furthermore, a number of some citizens stated that you’ll get rashes and a terrible itch the moment you immerse your leg in the water. Not only that local poultry and produce have also been greatly affected with the contaminated river resulting to a number of reported deaths from fish to ducks.

The environmental problems in Guangdong are not considered to be a lost cause however, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered as well as implemented to help improve the overall quality of the environment. One of it is finding timely and efficient waste management solutions to help reduce the production of these types of waste. When less waste is produced, environmental problems become less of an issue. It is good to hear that there are a number of companies today that are working hand in hand with waste management agencies to come up with an effective solution to their waste problems and woes.

The community however, also plays an important role in helping solve the environmental problems Guangdong is facing. They themselves need to practice effective waste management solutions to their respective homes. Another activity they can engaged in is to help spread the much needed awareness about waste management with their family, relatives and to the community as a whole. With the help of modern age and technology, it is relatively much easier to share such topics and news especially with the help of social media. Take part in helping improve the quality of life in Guangdong by sharing these topics today.

Canton Farmers Market and Heritage Crafts

Mater Day at the Canton Farmers Market and Heritage Crafts!

“That time has come, the Canton Farmers Market and Heritage Crafts held their last market 9/18/2014.  We want to sincerely thank all of the Haywood County residents and others that came out to shop with us!  We would also like to thank the market team, the vendors and the town of Canton for the support. Many of our vendors have market stands of their own for produce and many of our crafters sell at local shops. We hope that you will continue to shop your favorites as the year continues”

Come join us next year for a celebration of the tomato!  We are bringing the celebration and the appreciation back to the farmers that grown our Haywood tomatoes.

We are looking for local farmers ( produce, plants and dairy), artisan vendors and heritage crafts ~ to add to our current members.

Location: Sorrells Street Park Canton, NC

Purchase fresh produce from edible garden for your family and support local farmers.